Encouragement • Hope • Joy


Hello and Welcome!

I’m so glad you found me, and I hope I can shed some light (light from Jesus, of course) to those of you who are caring for a special needs child.

I may not have it all together, but I have learned to laugh when I’ve been so tired and my yoga pants are on inside out …. literally all day.  

So look around the site and see if there’s something that speaks to you and don’t forget to subscribe! 

Special Kids

     Chosen Moms

A Mother’s Guide To Raising Her Special-Needs Child

Special Kids

Chosen Moms

A Mother’s Guide To Raising Her Special-Needs Child

Are you raising or caring for a special needs child? Help and inspiration from someone who has “been there and done that” is at hand—a mom who learned “on the job” by caring for her blind, severely developmentally delayed, and medically fragile son.

Born out of experience, this practical yet full-of-heart manual will help mothers navigate the demands of the medical world, as well as organize their home routines to better care for their child. Beyond the practical, it is a heart-warming reminder that God has a plan for your life.