Ok, mamas.  You’re taking a closer look at how your child is responding to your body language.  You are singing, “If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will truly show it …“ and now you’ve decided to let the peace of Christ walk in their room before you.  You are NOT going to give worry a seat at your table.

Easey peasy, right?  Let’s get started ..

4.  STORE UP SUPPLIES – Memorize scripture!  This is our ammunition against:

a) discouragement – John 14:1, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me.”

b) worry  – 1 Peter 5:7, “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”

c) loneliness – Psalm 147:3, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

d) depression – 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

Play Christian music.  Let God’s peace rule in their hearts!  There are beautiful CD’s of Scripture Lullabies that can be played throughout the day.  Where loud, chaotic music can excite and frustrate little ones, peaceful scripture music can soothe.  And you are putting God’s Word in their hearts!

Read your Bible out loud to your child.  Children love stories and Bible stories have such truth about God and how much He loves little children.  When you are filling your cup (which is almost always empty) you are filling theirs too.  Enjoy the nearness of God.

5.  TURN ON THE LIGHTS – Reflect Jesus!  Be an encourager because everyone loves praise!  Tell your special child how he has the sweetest smile and tell him why you love him so very much! Remind him that as much as you love him, Jesus loves him even more!  Read Psalm 139 and let him know he is “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

How much time does your little one spend in his room?  Open the curtains, clean up the room and make it a relaxing place to be.  Place all the little stuffed animals and bright toys where he can reach them.  Use a laundry basket on the floor so they can also be picked up easily and placed back inside.  Does your child love flowers?  Don’t wait for a special occasion.  Place colorful, happy flowers in a vase where they can be easily seen.  If you don’t have access to fresh flowers, cut them out of magazines to paste in a book or on the wall where he can see them.  The important thing is to have a clean, joyful room; a room where he feels safe, loved and protected.

6.  LIFT WEIGHTS – Get rid of anger and get rid of guilt.  As mothers, we are very prone to those guilty feelings of “its my fault”, or “if only” thoughts.  Don’t be paralyzed by your past.  It’s over.  It’s done.  Let’s move on.  Give thanks in all circumstances.  Ephesians 5:20 says, “always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Guilt means you’ve done something wrong.  We all have some sort of guilt over something we did or didn’t do in our past.  That’s why we see so many people turn to alcohol, drugs or some other ‘numbing’ vice.  Our desire is to push it back and forget it somehow.

The effects of guilt are toxic.  The last thing we want to do, as mothers, is project any of our guilt onto our little ones.  Here are some examples of the effects:

feelings of rejection
projection of your feelings onto other people
inability to say no
blame shifting…etc.
Until we truly understand what Christ did for us 2000 years ago – we will never be set free!! Jesus paid the price for that sin and you do not have to live under that condemnation!  (Read Romans 3:9-11, 24, and 27.)  Understand your wrongs and accept God’s forgiveness.  He is extending grace and mercy to you, and once you ask Him for forgiveness, in the spirit of Frozen, LET IT GO! When it comes back to mind, take it as an opportunity to thank God again for this gift of forgiveness.  Satan would love to keep throwing this back at you – but as Daughters of the King, we have His grace, His mercy and His forgiveness.  You don’t need to keep asking for forgiveness for the same sin over and over.  Have you ever been with someone that re-hashes the same old, tired story over and over?  Imagine what God is hearing when we keep bringing up our same old, tired story to Him!  One and done, people!!

When you realize the forgiveness that comes with being a Christian and accepting Him into your life, you can stand taller…. you can smile longer….and you will have a light about you that no one can put out!  THAT is what your child needs to see!!  THAT is what you want to see in your mirror each morning and that is something your family needs to see also.  When we pair our positive thoughts and ideas into our children about their importance and about God’s love and forgiveness, we will change.

Simple rules.  Undying love.


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