Comparison has been described as the thief of joy and I can certainly attest to that.

It does no one any good and can quickly get out of hand and also can start at a very early age –

His toy is better than mine.”  

“Why did she get more Christmas presents than me?”

And this comparison trap can continue throughout your lives –

“Her child is already walking and I’m still hoping my son will be able to hold his head up.  It’s not fair.”

And finally –

“My disabled son that I loved and cared for has passed and now I have incurable cancer.  IT’S NOT FAIR!”

Nope.  Life isn’t fair.  Next to suffering I think the comparing of my life to others is the hardest.

So where do we start?  We start in the Word.  The Word of God that brings forth life and joy.  We cannot believe the lies of the enemy when he tells us that everyone else has it so easy.  Our thoughts can either bring life or steal joy.  And Satan is constantly trying to distance me from God and slow down my spiritual progress so that I will continuously look around me and compare my life to others.  He knows that God lives … abides … in peace and that He has the power to transform my brokenness.

Nothing is impossible with God.  When we get preoccupied with the ‘why‘, we forget the ‘who‘.  God knows about my cancer and His presence remains.  He loves me and has given me the strength and courage to stand upon the Rock.  He knows that if I look and live like the world, then how will others see there is a better, a beautiful, a holy option?

So I will stop comparing my life to the world around me.  God is my joy.  He has chosen me to walk this road and I resolve to be faithful and pray for a contagious calm that others will see.

Lord, never let me forget the ‘Who‘.  Let me see you today in everyday life moments.  Open my eyes to you because you are already there.

Psalm 90:12, “Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.”



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