“NO, Mama! Jesus doesn’t want corn chips! Jesus likes Cheetos!!”

As a sassy 5 year old, I walked to the kitchen table with my arm around my best friend, Jesus.  He went everywhere with me and I can still see my sister rolling her eyes at me thinking I was the weirdest person ever.  And …… maybe I was, but it seemed obvious that Jesus was not only MY best friend, but I just HAD to be His also.

So, my mother made the extra peanut butter sandwich with Cheetos on the side.  Jesus was always very patient as was my mom.  He never complained when I ate His sandwich or His Cheetos.  I’m sure He just rolled with it since He would’ve probably liked fish and little loaves better.  (see Matthew 14:13-21).  I don’t believe He likes the little cheese snacks anymore (like me) because of the whole ‘processed food, nasty seed oils, MSG and of course the food dyes’.

Fast forward 60 + years;  I may not sit with my arm around my invisible and one true friend anymore, but I do talk to Him all the time.  I tell Him all my fears, my anxieties and how hot it is in Phoenix right now, but I also remember to tell Him thank you for all the glorious blessings that He has given me!!  I have a house with a/c, a pool when it’s unbearable and food on the table.

So next time you are thinking about Cheetos, maybe you could find a recipe without all the icky stuff in them….for example: Cheetos from ‘Classic Snacks Made from Scratch’ (seriouseats.com)  

My point in this rambling, random story is to talk to Jesus as you would talk to your best friend.  He wants to hear from you.  He has an appetite to hear your voice.  And then let me know if He still likes Cheetos.


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